Ethical behaviour is a fundamental part of Buddhist practice, and at Norwich Zen Buddhist Priory, we undertake to act in a way which is in accord with the Buddhist Precepts and the heart of meditation. In particular, we undertake:

  • to treat everyone who comes to the Priory with respect and courtesy.
  • not to discriminate against anyone.
  • to prioritise the safety, health and welfare of all who come to the Priory.
  • to keep confidential any private information which you may share with a monk, as described in our policy on confidentiality.
  • to safeguard all children and vulnerable adults with whom we have contact.
  • to make good use of all donations to further the work of the Priory.
  • to carefully manage Priory funds and to keep accurate accounts of the Priory’s finances.

If you have concerns about anything you have experienced at the Priory, you are very welcome to speak to Rev. Leoma about it.

The Priory is part of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, and members of the Order are governed by its rules. If you would rather speak to someone outside the Priory, there are a number of ways of doing this within the framework of the Order, which are described below.

The Order’s Ethics Procedures

The OBC’s full statement regarding ethics is available here:

Our Ethical Intentions and Resolving a Concern

This page describes several ways in which you can raise an ethical concern, including details of who to approach. It outlines the Order’s procedures for dealing with complaints, and for investigating ethical and disciplinary matters. It also has a link to contact details, for each country in which the Order has a temple, of people who you can contact if your concern remains unresolved.

If you would like to contact Rev. Master Haryo, the head of the Order, you can do so here:

Head of the Order Contact