One Saturday each month, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm (please check calendar for dates)
Those who are new to our practice are very welcome to find out about our tradition. The best way is to come along for an Introductory Afternoon. This is an opportunity to try out our practice and to ask questions about it. As the introductory session includes doing some formal meditation, it is recommended to wear loose-fitting clothes.

The introductory session commences with a brief outline of Buddhist practice, especially the Soto Zen tradition. Much of the afternoon is devoted to teaching our particular form of meditation, or zazen, and giving everyone an opportunity to try it. Some time is spent in finding a meditation posture that will work for each person – it isn’t necessary to be able to sit cross-legged on cushions, as benches and chairs are also available. Other topics that are covered during the afternoon include how to incorporate practice into daily life and what the Priory has to offer.
There is no fee for an introductory session, but a donation bowl is available and all contributions are very gratefully received. The Priory and the resident monk are supported entirely by donations.
Anyone who finds that this practice is something that they would like to explore further is then welcome to join us for other events, either at the Priory or online.
Please phone or email Reverend Leoma if you would like to book in for one of these sessions.