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Visit by Rev. Master Daishin

On 23rd June, it was a privilege to welcome to the Priory Rev. Master Daishin Morgan, retired Abbot of Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey and author of ‘Sitting Buddha’ and other books. This was his first official visit to the Priory. It was a wonderful occasion and will undoubtedly prove to be one of the most memorable events in the story of this Priory. Everything came together to make the day very special. It was the largest gathering of the Sangha that we have seen here and several other people were able to join the meeting online. It was a particular pleasure to have Rev. Master Leandra Robertshaw, another retired Abbot of Throssel, travel over from Cambridge to be with us. Rev. Master Daishin gave an inspiring Dharma talk and he was very generous with his answers to the questions that followed. 

The bring-and-share lunch afterwards gave many of the Sangha an opportunity to chat with Rev. Master Daishin. All the preparation and planning ensured that the event unfolded seamlessly. Even the weather played its part in the proceedings and a glorious summer’s day allowed us to make good use of the garden space (including the newly constructed gazebo).

A huge ‘thank you’ to everybody who contributed to the success of the occasion, especially to those people who worked very hard beforehand (and clearing up afterwards), to ensure the proceedings went so well: the gardens (front and back) looked the best they ever had; the provision of coffee and other refreshments to guests was a smooth operation; and the recordings and photos have given us an excellent record of the day. 

A video of Rev. Master Daishin’s Dharma talk can be found at this link.


We held a five-day sesshin (intensive meditation retreat) at the end of June and this was well attended, with six of us sitting the whole retreat and a few others joining for some of the time. In addition, several people joined meditation periods online throughout the retreat. The daily schedule included nine seated meditation periods, beginning at 6.30am and finishing at 8.30pm. In addition, Dharma talks were given in the meditation room and two sets of Dharma interviews were offered. 

Besides sitting zazen, there were periods of working meditation, especially in the morning. Members of the Sangha took over the Priory’s kitchen and planned and produced the meals, which were eaten formally in the meditation room. Other good work was done around the Priory, especially gardening and cleaning. There was also some time to rest and be contemplative or to go for a walk along the river. 

The opportunity to do five days of intensive training was much appreciated by everybody who took part. There was a powerful sense of practising together and supporting each other. It was also wonderful to have the whole Priory building and garden being made good use of, especially as two people travelled from well beyond Norwich and stayed as guests for the duration of the retreat. I am grateful to everyone who participated so solidly and enthusiastically in all the aspects of the sesshin, but especially to the two cooks. 

Another sesshin has been scheduled for later in the year, from 27th November to 1st December. 

Forthcoming events

Our Summer Party will be on Sunday 18th August. It will be held in Erpingham in North Norfolk and it will begin at 12 noon, with lifts being available from the Priory from 11.30am. This informal gathering of the Sangha and partners is a chance to socialise in a relaxed setting, over a bring-and-share vegetarian buffet lunch. Rev. Alicia, from Sitting Buddha Hermitage, is planning to visit the Priory that weekend and will join us for the party. Please contact the Priory if you would like to attend. 

With best wishes and in gassho,

Reverend Leoma