Recent events
We celebrated the Festival of the Buddha’s Enlightenment on 10th December. This was an occasion to come together to express our gratitude for the practice whose source is the truth that the Buddha discovered as he sat in meditation beneath the Bodhi tree. The Dharma talk reminded us that Enlightenment is here now, but we don’t realise that when our perception is clouded, and an episode from the Vimalakirti Sutra was used to illustrate this. Below is a photo taken after the ceremony.
On 31st December, our New Year Ceremony was preceded by an evening of meditation. As one year was about to pass into the next, the ceremony expressed our gratitude for being able to train and our wish to continue our practice of meditating and living by the Precepts. On the following day, we re-affirmed our commitment in a Renewing the Precepts Ceremony.
The heavy rain in early January had an impact on the River Wensum that flows a short distance from the front door of the Priory. The river breached its banks in many places along its route and flooded adjacent fields and meadows, including those near the Priory. Our property was never threatened but the scene from the house was altered for a few days. The photos below were taken from upstairs at the Priory, during the flooding and a couple of weeks later when the river level had returned towards normal.
With best wishes and in gassho,
Reverend Leoma