• Post category:News

Best wishes to you for 2021

I hope that you are keeping safe and well during these challenging times. Let us step forward into the new year knowing that our training is supported by the Three Treasures of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. The offertory for the New Year Ceremony reminds us: Whatever this year brings it will be the turning of the wheel of the Dharma. Let us follow the turning by forever grounding ourselves in true sitting and the wish to cease from evil, to do only good and to do good for others.

Events at the Priory

The Priory continues to be closed to visitors, with our events being held online via Zoom. Our calendar gives details of the schedule and anyone who would like to join our meetings is welcome to contact me for more information. Newcomers are being offered online introductions to our practice on an individual basis.

We shall be holding another day retreat on Saturday 9th January. As before, there will be a morning session, 10.00am – 1.00pm, then a break for lunch, followed by an afternoon session, 2.00pm – 4.30pm. You are welcome to join for all or part of the day. More details and the full schedule can be found on our calendar.

Purchasing a new Priory

The process of purchasing the property mentioned in the previous newsletter, which we think would make an ideal long-term home for the Priory, is progressing slowly in the middle of the various levels of coronavirus restrictions that have been in place over the past three months. The building survey highlighted a problem with the roof, which resulted in our having to get quotes from roofers and then renegotiate the price. We are now waiting for the solicitor to send us the contract and the results of the searches. This is proving to be an excellent opportunity for practising patience.

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who has been offering ongoing help and support towards the house-purchase project. I am also grateful to all those who brought round gifts and food to the Priory over the festive season and for the many lovely cards that were received.

With best wishes and in gassho,
Reverend Leoma