Forthcoming events
We shall be holding a four-day sesshin, from Friday 8th to Monday 11th July. This intensive meditation retreat will start at 6.45am and finish at 8.25pm each day. If you’re not able to attend the whole retreat, you are welcome to come along for a day or part of a day. Please contact me if you’d like to attend in person. For anyone wishing to join online, each day will be divided into five sessions. More details of the sesshin schedule can be found on our calendar.
Recent events
On Sunday 8th May, we celebrated Wesak, the Festival of the Buddha’s Birth. This joyous occasion was particularly notable for having the largest gathering of Sangha members since the pandemic began and the most people that we have hosted at the new Priory. This gave a lovely sense that the life of the Priory was returning to normal. We used the full extent of our meditation room, part of which is usually screened off, for the first time. This space, together with the sun shining through the patio doors, was uplifting for the meditation and the ceremony, as well as for our get-together afterwards over coffee and biscuits for the Dharma talk and discussion. Below is a photo taken just after the ceremony.

Our Summer Party took place on Sunday 19th June. We gathered in the beautiful garden and grounds in North Norfolk that form the usual venue for this annual event. The weather turned out to be drier and warmer than forecast, so we were able to eat our delicious bring-and-share vegetarian lunch outdoors. It was a wonderful opportunity for Sangha members to meet up and socialise informally, chatting in a relaxed setting (as can be seen in the photos below). A big thank you to everyone who enabled this enjoyable event to happen.

There have been various projects happening outdoors, now that summer has arrived. In particular, the garden group continues with its splendid work every Tuesday afternoon, maintaining and enhancing the front and back gardens. Also, there has been work carried out on the exterior of the house and the garage. This is in addition to the usual ongoing cleaning, repairs and maintenance to the Priory. My thanks to everyone who has helped with these tasks. Below are a couple of photos of the garden group, at the beginning and end of a Tuesday session.

With best wishes and in gassho,
Reverend Leoma