• Post category:News

Forthcoming events

Our Wesak Ceremony (Festival of the Buddha’s Birth) will be held on Sunday 14 May. This joyful occasion is one of the major events in the Buddhist calendar. The morning will begin at 9.45, with a 35-minute meditation period. After a brief rehearsal, the ceremony will start at 10.30 and this will be followed by a Dharma talk with coffee and biscuits. If you would like to attend in person, please contact the Priory

A Day Retreat has been scheduled for Saturday 3 June. There will be a morning session (10.00am – 1.00pm) and an afternoon session (2.00pm – 4.30pm). The full schedule can be found on our calendar. You are welcome to attend (either in person or online) for all or part of the day. If you’d like to come along in person, please contact the Priory. If you’re planning on attending for the whole day, please bring a packed lunch. 

This year’s summer party will be on Sunday 18 June, at our usual venue in Erpingham. This gathering is an opportunity for the Sangha to meet up informally and socialise in a relaxed setting, over a bring-and-share vegetarian buffet lunch. It will begin at 12 noon, with lifts being available from the Priory from 11am. Please contact the Priory for more details. 

Recent events

On Sunday 19 March, we held a memorial for Rev. Saido Kennaway, who was a trustee of the Norwich Priory until his death in early March. The ceremony was an expression of our gratitude for the life, teaching and example of this inspirational monk. At the tea afterwards, some of us recounted anecdotes and exchanged memories of ways in which he had encouraged us, guided us and affected our lives. 

Altar set up for memorial service

On Sunday 30 April, the Priory celebrated its first double lay ordination, when Andy McConnell and Bonny Downing committed themselves to live by the Precepts and became lay Buddhists. It is always a pleasure to see trainees take this important step in their lives. It is also a valuable opportunity for those of us who attend the ceremony to recommit ourselves to a life of meditation and following the Precepts. Our very good wishes go to Andy and Bonny as their lives of training continue to unfold. 

Rev. Leoma with Bonny and Andy in front of the altar after Lay Ordination Ceremony


The garden group has begun meeting again (weather permitting) on Tuesday afternoons and the great work that they do maintaining and enhancing the outdoor areas of the Priory is much appreciated. In addition, I am grateful for the help that is being given with the cleaning and housework inside the Priory. 

Thanks also to those who offer their help and expertise with the bookkeeping and accounts, solving computer and IT problems, and doing various DIY and maintenance jobs.

With best wishes and in gassho,

Reverend Leoma