Like all organisations, Norwich Zen Buddhist Priory has a duty to safeguard any adults or children with whom we have contact. We take this responsibility very seriously and we are committed to safeguarding all who come to the priory. Ensuring the physical, psychological and sexual safety of everyone involved in the activities and services we provide is an expression of the wisdom and compassion taught by the Buddha.

If you have a concern regarding safeguarding:

  • You can talk about your concern to the Prior, Rev. Leoma.
  • You can email the priory via our contact page with your concern.
  • You can contact our Safeguarding Officer Chris Loukes by emailing: safeguarding.nzbp (at) gmail (dot) com
  • If you would feel more comfortable speaking with someone who is not directly connected with the temple, we also have volunteer contacts from our wider congregation and non-resident monks. Their details are publicly available, and their names and contact details are as follows:

Rev. Master Favian Straughan, Portobello Buddhist Priory, Tel: 0131 669 9622
Karen Richards, OBC Lay Minister, Tel: 0843 713 0068
Neil Rothwell, OBC Lay Minister, Tel: 0843 713 0076

These details are also available in the Ethics section of the OBC website.

For more information, you can read and download our Safeguarding Adults Policy and Guidelines, Safeguarding Children Policy and Child Protection Code of Conduct.