As we continue to find our way through these challenging times, I do hope that you and your loved ones are keeping safe and well.
Current events
The Priory has been closed to all visitors since 17th March and will remain so until further notice. However, the life of the Priory continues, with a near-normal schedule of meditation, ceremonies, teaching and Sangha meetings being maintained and shared online with our regular Sangha.
We have now set up a virtual Priory, using the Zoom app, and the Sangha continues to flourish online. We meet together from Tuesday to Saturday for morning meditation and Short Morning Service. We have managed to continue with our evening meetings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, as well as with our Sunday morning meeting. Details of these events are shared through the Priory’s email group. Anyone who is familiar with our practice and would like to join the meetings can contact me to find out more details.
Although the Priory is physically closed, people are very welcome to keep in contact by email or phone. I have also been doing video calls via Skype or similar apps to maintain a face-to-face connection with individual Sangha members.
Dharma talk
At a recent Basic Buddhism Evening, I gave a Dharma talk about how we meditate with feelings when they arise and the link to that talk is here: Sitting with Feelings. It seemed an appropriate time to remind ourselves of some of the fundamentals of our practice.
With people no longer coming through the doors of the Priory, there is not the opportunity to physically leave donations in our Alms Bowl at the end of an event. However, the Priory is continuing to function and to offer the Dharma. We depend on donations for our ongoing existence and any financial support that you’re able to offer is much appreciated. For anyone who would like to make a donation or set up a standing order, details of how to do so can be found on our Donations page. All donations are very gratefully received.

As soon as we are able to welcome people back to the Priory, we will be delighted to do so. In the meantime, try to keep yourself well and healthy.
With best wishes and in gassho,
Reverend Leoma