Forthcoming events
We shall be welcoming two monks for brief stays at the Priory over the next few weeks. Rev. Alicia will be visiting from 3rd to 6th July. She is the resident monk at Sitting Buddha Hermitage in Cromford, Derbyshire. Recently, she kindly agreed to become a trustee of our charity. She has visited the Priory once before, when we were at our original location in Unthank Road, but she has not seen the Priory’s current incarnation. It is hoped that she will be able to meet several of the Sangha, especially at the Garden Group on the afternoon of Tuesday 4th and at the Dharma Evening on Wednesday 5th.
Rev. Vivian will be staying from 8th to 12th August. She is the resident monk at Still Flowing Water Hermitage in California. She is visiting the UK primarily to be at Throssel for the monastic gathering in September, but she is also arranging to spend some time at a few smaller temples on her way up to Northumberland. She too is hoping to meet with many of the Sangha during her stay, especially at the Garden Group on the afternoon of Tuesday 8th (when Rev. Aiden is also planning to be around, as he will have driven Rev. Vivian to Norwich from his temple in Leicester), at the Dharma Evening on Wednesday 9th and at the Evening Meeting on Thursday 10th.
A Day Retreat has been scheduled for Saturday 7th October. More details will be posted nearer the time.
Recent events
Our Wesak Ceremony this year took place on Sunday 14th May. It was lovely to have several Sangha members turn up to celebrate the Birth of the Buddha and join in expressing gratitude for our Buddhist practice and the opportunity to train. The photo below was taken after the ceremony.

Our Summer Party, which took place on Sunday 18th June was very well-attended. It was held in the lovely garden and grounds in North Norfolk that are the usual setting for this event. It was a thoroughly enjoyable occasion, especially as the forecast thunderstorms held off until well after the party and we were able to appreciate the warm sunshine and clear blue skies. As always, this event enabled us as a Sangha to gather in a relaxed and informal setting to chat and to appreciate the delicious food that was offered for the bring-and-share vegetarian buffet. Particular thanks go to those who hosted the party and provided lifts.

We have a major task ahead, as some large trees on the property need to be felled (one is actually in danger of falling onto the house). A big “thank you” to the two Sangha members who took this project forward and arranged for obtaining quotes from tree surgeons. A special “thank you” also to the person who has been doing all the Priory’s DIY and maintenance jobs for the past couple of years and who is now retiring from that – the Priory is a much safer, smarter-looking and more user-friendly place because of the hard work and expertise (as well as patience and good humour) that he has offered.
With best wishes and in gassho,
Reverend Leoma