We have plans to purchase a property, so that the Priory can have a long-term home. Since Norwich Zen Buddhist Priory first opened its doors, in October 2013, we have been based in rented properties. If we were able to buy a property, this would give us security and stability for years to come. It would also mean that we could adapt the property to better meet our needs as a priory.
Our current situation
We have recently had to move and are now based in a first-floor flat. While this is working well as a place for the Sangha to continue to meet and as a home for the Prior, it is too small to allow us to offer all the events that we would like, such as retreats and festivals. Also, it doesn’t have wheelchair accessibility. So, we currently have some limitations on the extent to which we can offer the Dharma.
What we’re looking for
The ideal priory would be a house or bungalow with these features:-
- off-road parking for at least 2 or 3 cars
- a detached property
- a large meditation room (probably a combined living room & dining room)
- a spare bedroom
- a second WC.
It would be great to be able to stay around our current location, in south-west Norwich, as this is convenient for many people who walk or cycle to the Priory. Also we are on a bus route. However, property in this area is very expensive and so we’ll probably have to compromise, either on the property or the location.
What we can afford
A suitable property in, or close to, our current location is likely to cost at least £310,000 – £350,000. A Sangha member is offering us a substantial interest-free loan, which we would pay off rather than taking out a mortgage. This is a very generous offer and will help us enormously. We are currently seeing what other funds we can raise, as we will need to find a further £50,000–100,000 (on top of what we already have saved or pledged) to be able to afford a place that works well as a priory in a location that works well for our Sangha.
How you can help
As we contemplate this significant step, we invite you to help us achieve our wish of securing a long-term and more suitable home for the Priory. If you feel able to offer any financial assistance, that would be greatly appreciated. At present, I am just trying to get an idea of how much we’d be able to raise, by seeing what donations and loans can be pledged.
Our intention is to purchase a property as a long-term home for the Priory. However, if the project is not able to be completed, or if there are surplus funds after the property has been purchased, any remaining money will be used for the general purposes of the charity. We’re not able to guarantee that we’ll be able to find a property that completely fulfils all our preferred criteria or is in a specific location.
A lump sum donation
If you would like to pledge a donation, please let me know by email or phone and I can give you more details.
A long-term loan
Interest-free loans to be paid back over ten years or more will be very gratefully received. The loan contract would include the option that you could have the money repaid to you at any time, in an emergency, with three months’ notice. Please contact me if you’d like to discuss a loan.
Standing orders
We’ll continue to require general donations to cover our ongoing expenses, especially rent payments and, at a later date, loan repayments. The most helpful way of ensuring that we have a regular income is for people to take out standing orders to the Priory. More information about standing orders and other ways of giving can be found on our Donations page.
Any financial help that you are able to offer will be very gratefully received. I’ll keep you informed as this project progresses. Thank you very much for your support and generosity.
With best wishes and in gassho,
Reverend Leoma